Unleashing the Power of iDSS Send

As a DMO, effectively communicating with your visitors, partners, and stakeholders is crucial for success. iDSS Send offers a powerful platform to streamline your email marketing efforts and ensure your messages resonate with your audience.

Your Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing Excellence

In this guide, we'll explore how to make the most out of iDSS Send and optimize your email campaigns for maximum impact.

Creating a Distribution List

At the heart of any successful email campaign lies a meticulously curated list of recipients. With iDSS Send, crafting your Distribution List is a breeze. Simply navigate to the Mail > Distribution List section, where you'll be greeted with the option to create a new list. Give your list a meaningful name and description, ensuring clarity and organization. 

Distribution lists are set up at Mail > Distribution Lists along the left navigation bar. Once you click “Add”, you can name the list, add a description, and a list type.

Adding Contacts from Records

Building your Distribution List is only the first step; the real magic happens when you start adding contacts. With iDSS Send, you have the flexibility to add contacts directly from their profiles. Navigate to the Contacts tab and select the desired contacts, then effortlessly assign them to your Distribution List. This streamlined process ensures efficiency and accuracy, saving you valuable time and effort. 

Utilizing Queries for Bulk Actions

For those times when you need to add contacts in bulk, iDSS Send offers a convenient solution through its query functionality. By defining specific criteria, you can pinpoint the exact contacts you wish to add to your Distribution List. Simply select the desired contacts and inquiries while adding to your list with ease. This powerful feature streamlines the process of managing large contact databases, empowering you to execute targeted campaigns with precision.

Integration with Team Activities

Incorporating contacts from team activities is another seamless process within iDSS Send. Whether you're hosting a networking event or a promotional campaign, you can effortlessly add contacts associated with team activities to your Distribution List. Simply navigate to the Team Activity section, select the desired contacts, and add them to your list with a few clicks. This integration ensures that your campaigns are tailored to the specific interests and demographics of your audience.

iDSS Send offers a variety of templates and customization options to suit your unique branding and messaging needs.

Craft Compelling Content

With your Distribution List in hand, it's time to unleash your creativity and craft an email campaign that resonates with your audience. The success of your email campaigns depends heavily on the quality of your content.  iDSS Send offers a variety of templates and customization options to suit your unique branding and messaging needs. 

Use iDSS Send's intuitive editor to create visually appealing emails that capture attention and drive action. Incorporate compelling imagery, concise copy, and clear calls-to-action to encourage recipients to engage with your message. Experiment with different content formats and styles to keep your emails fresh and engaging.

When constructing your campaign, be sure to keep in mind standard email marketing best practices, such as:

  • Keep your emails brief and engaging by following the “Picture — Paragraph — Call to Action” approach.
  • Showcase your brand's personality by prominently featuring your logo, using consistent brand elements (colors, fonts, tone-of-voice), and adding a personalized footer for that extra touch.
  • Capture your audience's interest with a compelling subject line that offers value. Aim for 40 characters or less  to maximize impact.
  • Make emails easy to skim with short paragraphs (1-3 sentences), ample white space, descriptive headings, and captivating images.
  • Double check that your emails are mobile-friendly for easy viewing on all devices and translate well in both light and dark modes.
  • Be sure to adhere to relevant laws and regulations, such as GDPR and CAN-SPAM, to maintain trust and legality in your email marketing efforts. This will help ensure that your emails are hitting the inbox instead of the spam folder. 
Preview a mobile view right within the editor while building out your email!

Fine-Tuning Campaign Settings

Before launching your campaign, take a moment to fine-tune your settings for optimal performance. Adjust the content area width, alignment, and background color to ensure a visually appealing layout. Customize default fonts and explore additional font options to enhance readability and visual impact. These subtle adjustments can make all the difference in maximizing the effectiveness of your email campaigns. Prior to sending out your campaign, take a moment to view how your emails appear on both desktop and mobile devices. Additionally, consider sending test emails to double-check everything before the big launch.

Measure Success

Measuring success with iDSS is seamless. With user-friendly email reporting features, a customized dashboard becomes available as soon as your email campaign is sent. Here, you can effortlessly track key metrics such as email sends, opens, clicks, bounce rate, and more. This insightful data empowers users to quickly assess campaign performance within iDSS, enabling informed decision-making for future email strategies.

When you click on a campaign, you will see more in depth campaign metrics, including a chart and pie graph breaking down campaign metrics.

Exciting New Updates to iDSS Send

We're thrilled to introduce some fantastic new features and enhancements to the iDSS Send platform as of February 2024, designed to streamline your email marketing experience and boost productivity. 

○ Customizable Email Campaigns Templates

  • Now, creating and reusing email templates is easier than ever before. With the ability to craft your own templates from scratch or convert previously sent campaigns into reusable templates, you have the flexibility to tailor your emails to your specific needs effortlessly. Plus, accessing and managing templates is simple, thanks to the intuitive interface. 

○ Email Campaigns Content Features

  • We’ve also added a few new content features providing you with even more tools and options to create visually stunning and engaging emails. From mobile-friendly editing and new content block types (Title, List, Spacer, and Menu) to the ability to preview your emails in dark mode, these updates empower you to craft emails that truly stand out. 

iDSS Send stands as a powerful ally in your quest for email marketing excellence. By leveraging its robust features and intuitive interface, you can streamline your workflow, engage your audience, and achieve unparalleled success in your campaigns. So why wait? Get started with iDSS Send today and unleash the full potential of your email marketing efforts.

We’re Here to Help

If you ever need a hand navigating the platform, our iDSS Success team is available to lend support. Whether you prefer scheduling a chat with a Success Manager or dropping us an email at [email protected], we're committed to empowering you with the knowledge and assistance you need to thrive in your email marketing efforts.

Additionally, Tempest offers a range of Growth Marketing services to support your campaigns. From designing email templates and crafting curated campaigns to creating compelling content and managing email distribution, our team can accommodate your preferences. Together with the iDSS team, our experts are here to help every step of the way.

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